Prophecy Analysis



9. Gen 14:18



Matt 26:26-29

Evaluation Results

Cosine_Similarity: 0.20

Jaccard_Similarity: 0.64

Levenshtein_Similarity: 0.28

Entity_Overlap: 0.00

Semantic_Similarity: 0.47

Bleu_Score: 1.00

Rouge_1: 0.17

Rouge_2: 0.09

Rouge_L: 0.17


Overall Score: 0.34 - Low likelihood of fulfillment


Cosine Similarity: 0.20 - Measures the cosine of the angle between the TF-IDF vectors of the texts.
Jaccard Similarity: 0.64 - Measures the size of the intersection divided by the size of the union of the word sets.
Levenshtein Similarity: 0.28 - Measures the similarity based on the minimum number of single-character edits required to change one text into the other.
Entity Overlap: 0.00 - Measures the overlap of named entities between the texts.
Semantic Similarity: 0.47 - Measures the similarity of the overall meaning of the texts using word embeddings.
BLEU Score: 1.00 - Measures the similarity based on n-gram precision.
ROUGE_1: 0.17 - Measures the overlap of 1-grams between the texts.
ROUGE_2: 0.09 - Measures the overlap of 2-grams between the texts.
ROUGE_L: 0.17 - Measures the overlap of l-grams between the texts.

Suggestions for Improvement

  • Consider including more specific named entities (people, places, organizations) in the fulfillment text that match those in the prophecy.
  • The overall meaning of the fulfillment might not closely match the prophecy. Try to align the key concepts more closely.
  • There's limited word overlap between the prophecy and fulfillment. Try to use more similar vocabulary.
  • The overall content seems quite different. Ensure that the main themes of the prophecy are addressed in the fulfillment.

Matching Phrases

the east


Evaluation Results Visualization

NLP Analysis

Word_Len: 28

Word_Tokens: The, Last, Supper, foreshadowed

Token_Count: 4

Topics: ['Faith', 'Salvation']

Evaluation Results

Cosine_Similarity: 0.20
Jaccard_Similarity: 0.64
Levenshtein_Similarity: 0.28
Entity_Overlap: 0.00
Semantic_Similarity: 0.47
Bleu_Score: 1.00
Rouge_1: 0.17
Rouge_2: 0.09
Rouge_L: 0.17


Overall Score: 0.34 - Low likelihood of fulfillment


Cosine Similarity: 0.20 - Measures the cosine of the angle between the TF-IDF vectors of the texts.
Jaccard Similarity: 0.64 - Measures the size of the intersection divided by the size of the union of the word sets.
Levenshtein Similarity: 0.28 - Measures the similarity based on the minimum number of single-character edits required to change one text into the other.
Entity Overlap: 0.00 - Measures the overlap of named entities between the texts.
Semantic Similarity: 0.47 - Measures the similarity of the overall meaning of the texts using word embeddings.
BLEU Score: 1.00 - Measures the similarity based on n-gram precision.
ROUGE_1: 0.17 - Measures the overlap of 1-grams between the texts.
ROUGE_2: 0.09 - Measures the overlap of 2-grams between the texts.
ROUGE_L: 0.17 - Measures the overlap of l-grams between the texts.

Suggestions for Improvement

  • Consider including more specific named entities (people, places, organizations) in the fulfillment text that match those in the prophecy.
  • The overall meaning of the fulfillment might not closely match the prophecy. Try to align the key concepts more closely.
  • There's limited word overlap between the prophecy and fulfillment. Try to use more similar vocabulary.
  • The overall content seems quite different. Ensure that the main themes of the prophecy are addressed in the fulfillment.

Matching Phrases

the east


Evaluation Results Visualization

NLP Analysis

Word_Len: 28
Word_Tokens: The, Last, Supper, foreshadowed
Token_Count: 4
Topics: ['Faith', 'Salvation']