Text Analysis Types

Total analysis types found:

Name Description Usefulness Interpretation
Text Style Visualization Visually represents various stylistic features of the text. Provides a visual understanding of the writing style and stylistic choices in the text. Charts or graphs showing different stylistic features and how they vary throughout the text.
Text Style Visualization Visually represents various stylistic features of the text. Provides a visual understanding of the writing style and stylistic choices in the text. Charts or graphs showing different stylistic features and how they vary throughout the text.
Topic Model Extraction Extracts a statistical model of abstract topics in the text. Provides a more detailed understanding of the thematic structure of the text. A statistical model showing the distribution of topics across the text and the words associated with each topic.
Topic Modeling Identifies the main topics or themes in the text. Helps understand the main subjects discussed in the text and their relative importance. A list of topics, each represented by a set of related words, along with their prevalence in the text.
Topic Model Visualization Visually represents the topics and their relationships in the text. Offers a visual understanding of the thematic structure and relationships between topics in the text. A visual representation (e.g., bubble chart, network graph) showing topics, their prevalence, and their relationships.
Verb Tense Analysis Analyzes the distribution and usage of verb tenses in the text. Helps understand the temporal focus and narrative structure of the text. A breakdown of verb tenses used in the text, showing their frequency and distribution.
Word Cloud Creates a visual representation of word frequency in the text. Provides a quick, visually appealing overview of the most prominent words in the text. An image where the size of each word is proportional to its frequency in the text.
Word Embeddings Generation Generates vector representations of words based on their usage in the text. Provides a basis for various advanced NLP tasks and semantic analysis. A set of vectors representing words, where similar words have similar vector representations.
Word Frequency Analysis Analyzes the frequency of words used in the text. Helps identify the most common words and potentially important terms in the text. A list or chart of words and their frequencies, often sorted from most to least frequent.
Word Length Distribution Analyzes the distribution of word lengths in the text. Provides insights into the complexity of vocabulary and writing style. A graph or chart showing the frequency of words of different lengths in the text.